Iwi Capability Iwi Capability
Ngā Whaiarotanga / Personal Details

Ngā taipitopito whakapā / Contact Details

Use the Unit (flat or apartment number but not section) and Address fields to autocomplete your address and make amendments on the fields below if neccessary.

Example Unit Address
4/538 Gloucester Street 4 538 Gloucester Street
15 Show Place   15 Show Place
38B Blair Avenue   38B Blair Avenue

Use the Unit (flat or apartment number but not section) and Address fields to autocomplete your address and make amendments on the fields below if neccessary.

Example Unit Address
4/538 Gloucester Street 4 538 Gloucester Street
15 Show Place   15 Show Place
38B Blair Avenue   38B Blair Avenue

He whakatapoko / Profile Selection
Te Pou Here Pūreirei - Connecting you with a career mentor

Pūreirei provides personalised support for whānau beginning their career journey, re-entering the workforce or applying for scholarships. Our mentors offer guidance
and support so you can present the best you.

Ō Aronga / Areas of Interest
Ngā akoranga / Educational Background

For example: head boy/girl, school prefect, community or sport awards, academic achievements or endorsements.

High Medium Low
Ngā mahi ko mahia / Work History

No worries if you do not have a CV we can help you create one

(only .doc, .docx and .pdf files are supported)
Ngā āheinga mahi / Employment Opportunities

The information provided will be used to send you potential career opportunities within our iwi businesses, Ngāi Tahu whānau owned businesses and Te Rūnanga Group business partners. The opportunities will be matched to the boxes that you select.


Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu does not verify the correctness or authenticity of information provided by any Ngāi Tahu whānau owned business or Te Rūnanga Group business partner. Therefore, as an organisation, we do not endorse or otherwise assure that any vacancy is fit for purpose and has no liability.

Ka kaha whakapakari pūkenga a Ngāi Tahu i a tātou anō
Ngāi Tahu are dedicated to growing and developing our people

This information will be used to send you potential development or cultural opportunities.

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